Configuration of the .env file

The .env file contains various environment variables that need to be properly configured for the application to work correctly. Below, I will explain how to obtain the values for some of these variables.

Setting up Resend for sending emails

The “RESEND for email” section in the .env file contains the “RESEND_API_KEY” variable, which corresponds to the Resend API key that you need to set up to send emails.

Here’s how to obtain the Resend API key:

  1. Access the Resend website at and log in with your account or create a new account if you don’t have one.

  2. Once you’ve logged in, look for the option to add a new API Key. You can do this by clicking the corresponding button or navigating to the “API Keys” section and creating it from there.

  3. Fill in the necessary information to create the API Key, such as the name and required permissions.

  4. Once the API Key is created, copy its value, which usually starts with “re_” and includes a series of characters.

  5. Paste this API Key value into the .env file under the “RESEND_API_KEY” variable. It should look something like this (real values without censorship):

# RESEND for email

Replace the key with the actual Resend API key you obtained from your Resend account.

Setting up Upstash (QStash and Redis)

The “Upstash for queue” section in the .env file contains the following variables related to QStash and Redis:

# UPSTASH for queue

# UPSTASH redis for waiting list

To configure UPSTASH correctly, follow these steps:

Obtaining QStash Keys

  1. Log in to your UPSTASH account at or create a new account if you don’t have one yet.

  2. Once logged in, go to and copy the keys you need one by one. These keys are “QSTASH_CURRENT_SIGNING_KEY”, “QSTASH_NEXT_SIGNING_KEY”, and “QSTASH_TOKEN”.

  3. Paste these keys into the .env file under their respective variables. It should look something like this (real values without censorship):

# UPSTASH for queue

Replace the ellipsis with the actual keys you obtained from UPSTASH.

Configuring Redis

We have been using Redis for the waiting list in this project. It is not used currently. However, if you want to use it, you can follow the steps below to.

  1. Create a Redis database in UPSTASH through

  2. Once the database is created, access “Details” and go to the “API REST” section, selecting the .env tab.

  3. Copy the URL and token information displayed there and paste them in the .env file under the following variables:

# UPSTASH redis for waiting list

Replace the ellipsis with the actual URL and token of Redis you obtained from UPSTASH.

Setting up Tinybird

You will need to create an API token, Go to Auth tokens > Workspace tokens > Add a new token > Select your token

# TinyBird

The Tinybird CLI can be used to push the pipes to the Tinybird server.


We ingest the monitor response into the ping_response__v5 table. If you want to have some dummy data to start with, check out the csv file.

Warning: If importing the csv file, make sure to change the column names are identical (e.g. monitorId instead of monitorid). Otherwise, the pipes will not work.


The pipes we are using can be found under @packages/tinybird/pipes. Pipes are used to transform data from one format to another. For example, we are using a pipe to transform the data from the database ping_response into aggregated data.

We currently have three pipes:

  1. status_timezone__v0: returns aggregated data from the ping_response table.
  2. response_list__v0: returns the list of responses from the ping_response table.
  3. home_stats__v0: returns the total amount of pings during a timeframe from the ping_response table.

Setting up Turso (SQLite or Cloud Database)

The “TURSO SQLITE” section in the .env file allows you to configure Turso database, either a local SQLite database or a cloud-based database.

If you want to use a local database (optional):

To begin, install sqld with brew. If you don’t have brew installed, we recommend installing it from which works on macOS or Linux, or WSL if you are using Windows.

brew tap libsql/sqld
brew install sqld-beta

Next, you can use the following command to start Turso with a SQLite database:

turso dev --db-file openstatus.db

By doing this, you’ll be able to work with the local database without modifying the .env file.

If you want to use a cloud-based database with Turso

To use a cloud-based database with Turso, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Turso account at or create a new account if you don’t have one yet.

  2. If this is your first time using Turso, it may prompt you to install the client on your machine. Follow the steps provided on their website or refer to their documentation for client installation.

  3. Once you have successfully installed the Turso client, open your terminal and use the following command to authenticate:

turso auth login
  1. Then, create a new database with the following command:
turso db create

Wait for a moment until the database is created, and you will be shown information about the database, including a connection URL and an authentication token.

  1. Use the following commands to show the required information and create the database in the .env file:
turso db show db-name
turso db tokens create db-name

Replace “db-name” with the name of your database. You should get the generated URL and token, which should be placed in the .env file as follows (real values without censorship):


Remember to copy this information in both app/web/.env and packages/db/.env and save the changes to the .env file once you have completed all the configurations.

Connect datasource using tinybird-cli

  1. Log in to your tinybird account at or create a new account if you don’t have one yet.

  2. Once logged in, go to your dashboard and copy the auth token and paste inside .env

    Please make sure you chose the admin token otherwise it may give an error like auth token invalid

  3. Then download this file ping_response__v5

  4. install the tinybird-cli

cd packages/tinybird
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install tinybird-cli

  1. Create a datasource from this file

    Please make sure while importing you edit the table header fields in camelcase .

  2. Create pipe from the datasource name as a response_list__v1 and status_timezone__v0

  3. Inside response_list__v0 pipe, create a endpoint by running a following query :

    SELECT id, latency, monitorId, pageId, region, statusCode, timestamp, url, workspaceId, cronTimestamp
    FROM ping_response__v4
    WHERE monitorId = {{ String(monitorId, 'openstatusPing') }}
    {% if defined(region) %}
    AND region = {{ String(region) }}
    {% end %}
    {% if defined(cronTimestamp) %}
    AND cronTimestamp = {{ Int64(cronTimestamp) }}
    {% end %}
    {% if defined(fromDate) %}
    AND cronTimestamp >= {{ Int64(fromDate) }}
    {% end %}
    {% if defined(toDate) %}
    AND cronTimestamp <= {{ Int64(toDate) }}
    {% end %}
    ORDER BY timestamp DESC
    LIMIT {{Int32(limit, 1000)}}
  1. Inside status_timezone__v0 pipe , create a endpoint by running a following query :

NODE group_by_cronTimestamp

        toDateTime(cronTimestamp / 1000, 'UTC') AS day,
        -- only for debugging purposes
        toTimezone(day, {{ String(timezone, 'Europe/Berlin') }}) as with_timezone,
        toStartOfDay(with_timezone) as start_of_day,
        avg(latency) AS avgLatency,
        count() AS count,
        count(multiIf((statusCode >= 200) AND (statusCode <= 299), 1, NULL)) AS ok
    FROM ping_response__v4
        (day IS NOT NULL)
        AND (day != 0)
        AND monitorId = {{ String(monitorId, '1') }}
        -- By default, we only only query the last 45 days
        AND cronTimestamp >= toUnixTimestamp64Milli(
            toDateTime64(toStartOfDay(date_sub(DAY, 45, now())), 3)
    GROUP BY cronTimestamp, monitorId

NODE group_by_day

        start_of_day as day,
        sum(count) as count,
        sum(ok) as ok,
        round(avg(avgLatency)) as avgLatency
    FROM group_by_cronTimestamp
    GROUP BY start_of_day
    ORDER BY start_of_day DESC
    LIMIT {{ Int32(limit, 100) }}

Setting up the database

We have an example database that you can use to get started. You can run it with the following command:

 turso dev --db-file openstatus-dev.db

It contains some dummy data that you can use to test the application.

cd packages/db
pnpm studio


Once you have collected all the necessary information, you should save it in the .env file to ensure proper configuration for your application. Following these steps will enable your application to function effectively with the appropriate settings for each service.

Open this url http://localhost:3000/app/love-openstatus to start using the app.